Dr. W. Thiede
Managing Partner
Dr. Wolfgang W. Thiede graduated in business administration and economics and subsequently worked at the Institute of Finance at the University of Hamburg, where he received his doctorate (‘very good’). At the same time, he was admitted to the German National Academic Foundation and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. After holding various positions at first management levels, he has been a managing partner of HT FINANZ since 1989. He has experience in the M&A business related to medium-sized companies since 1987 and has successfully completed more than 160 projects nationally and internationally. He has also managed numerous restructuring projects as a crisis manager. In December 2006, he additionally assumed a board mandate at IMAP M&A Consultants AG, which he resigned from at the end of 2010.
Dr. Thiede was a member of various supervisory boards and is the author of numerous books and specialist publications, also on current economic topics.
He was the founding president of the “Vereinigung Deutscher M&A-Berater” (VMA) and is a member of the working group on corporate succession of the IHK Frankfurt am Main.
Contact: w.thiede@htfinanz.de